Legislative & Regulatory

MEUW provides a number of legislative and regulatory services to its members:

Grassroots Advocacy
MEUW gives members the tools to influence legislators on industry issues, including the organization of legislative meetings, talking points, documentation and contact information for legislators.

Legislative Updates
Its essential to stay on top of industry issues, bills and dockets. Therefore, to keep members informed, MEUW provides regular legislative updates on all bills affecting members.

MEUW Legislative Tracking
Each session, MEUW’s government affairs team reviews the bills introduced in the Wisconsin Legislature. MEUW members stay informed on all Wisconsin and federal energy bills on which MEUW has taken a position or is tracking.
MEUW hires Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs (June 2022)

Learn more about MEUW’s political action committee
Friends of Public Power.

"Find a bill" or “find your legislator” on the Wisconsin State Legislature website.

"Find your representative" on the U.S. House of Representatives website.