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Interested in Becoming a Member or Associate Member of MEUW?
MEUW represents 81 municipal utilities, split into 10 districts, that provide electric services to their communities. These utilities provide economical rates and hometown service to thousands of Wisconsinites. Together, we are partners, striving to advance and protect the interests of public power. If your community would like to learn more about the advantages of becoming a municipal electric utility, please contact us by
email or call our office at (608) 837-2263.
If you are employed by a MEUW member utility, click
here to register your membership (select "MEUW Affiliate" from the dropdown).
MEUW also has an active group of associate members. These associate members are vendors and businesses that provide services and products to MEUW members. All MEUW associate members are members of the Wisconsin Utility Suppliers Association (WUSA).
Click here to learn more.