Contact your state legislators today!

Wisconsin lawmakers are meeting in Extraordinary Session to debate a comprehensive bill in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. One of the provisions being considered will authorize the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) to extend loans to municipal utilities so that they may continue to maintain liquidity in the event of a temporary loss of revenues. This is an important change that provides a much-needed option for all municipal electric utilities.

You can have your voice heard and help to ensure the bill passes both chambers and moves on to Gov. Evers for his signature. To do your part: 

  1. Download the email template
  2. Cut and paste the content into an email
  3. Update the highlighted areas with the name of your utility; and
  4. Send the email to your state legislators.

Use this link to get identify your state legislators and their email addresses.

Thank you for taking time to advocate on behalf of the municipal electric utilities in our state. Your efforts do matter!